Adobe Commerce 2.4.7发布-所有你需要知道的最新进展!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 Release

The dynamic and continuously evolving ecommerce platform Adobe Commerce continues to stand out as a leading solution for businesses looking to establish and expand their online presence. 新版本的Adobe Commerce于2024年4月8日发布. 随着Adobe Commerce 2的发布.4.7, 该平台引入了一系列新功能, enhancements, and optimizations designed to empower merchants and elevate the online shopping experience for customers. 阅读这篇文章了解一下 将Adobe Commerce升级到最新版本的价值 具有升级的特性和功能.

The latest version of Adobe Commerce is all set to offer another level of ecommerce performance with hundreds of quality fixes and myriad new additions.

最新的Adobe Commerce 2的新特性和增强.4.7

  • 安全改进

    Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p5, 2.4.5-p7, and 2.4.4-p8 had robust security improvements and no confirmed security attacks occurred with these versions. Thus, version 2.4.7号也有同样的安全措施. However, there are a few vulnerabilities that can be the reason behind customer information access or administrator sessions take over. If an attacker obtains access to the admin, then such an issue can be occurred. Therefore, to protect ecommerce security, don’t forget to take the necessary steps:

    1. 双因素身份验证
    2. Use of a VPN
    3. IP allowlisting
    4. 良好的密码卫生
    5. 使用唯一的位置,而不是/admin

    Some of the security measures that can be seen in this version are:

    • 更新非生成的缓存键以提高遵从性.
    • Merchants are allowed to set a limit on the number of auto-generated coupon codes (maximum now is 250,000), 这将防止系统负载.
    • Its Content Security Policy (CSP) configuration has been modified to improve overall security and compliance with PCI 4.0 requirements.
    • Now URLs are less predictable because the Admin URL generation process creates more random URLs.
    • Full-page cache configuration settings have been updated to eliminate the risks related to the HTTP {BASE-URL}/page_cache/block/esi endpoint.
    • Now merchants can configure rate curbing to limit payment data sent via REST and GraphQL APIs. It boosts security against carding attacks and decreases their impact.
  • 平台的改进

    Adobe Commerce 2.4.7有一些重要的平台升级:

    1. PHP 8.3 compatibility.
    2. RabbitMQ 3.13个支持一起3.11 and 3.12 compatibility.
    3. Composer 2.7.x compatibility.
    4. Varnish Cache 7.4 support.
    5. 兼容Elasticsearch 8.11.
    6. Opensearch 2.11 and 1.3 support.
    7. Redis 7.2
    8. Jquery /fileupload库已被删除.
    9. extjs library has been replaced with the latest version of jsTree.
  • 性能改进

    • Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 has come up with several performance enhancements that are a boon for ecommerce scalability.
    • Improved indexer management from admin to achieve more control over the system’s cron jobs.
    • Performance and load times of GraphQL requests for product listing pages have been improved, which made listing of products quicker (even with hundreds of options).
    • 企业商家可以创造约. one million cart price rules based on coupons without experiencing performance issues during cart and checkout processes.
    • Async Config module is added to speed up the process of saving configuration settings for multiple store deployments (approx. 500 stores).
    • 使用最新版本, merchants can import data faster in JSON format with the REST Import API, managing 100,每分钟000条记录.
    • 更快的配置缓存生成大型配置.
    • Enterprise deployment performance is improved for many active sales rules (approx. 100,000).
  • adobecommerce扩展元包

    The latest version supports adobecommerce扩展元包 v2.0.0 and Adobe stock package that can automatically integrate with Adobe Commerce core.


    1. Adobe商务管理UI SDK
    2. Adobe Commerce的Adobe I/O事件
    3. Adobe Commerce与Adobe IMS的集成
    4. Braintree
    5. Adobe Stock
    6. Payment Services

    Future versions of this meta package may contain more extensions.

  • GraphQL应用服务器

    GraphQL应用服务器 is available for Adobe Commerce only. 它不适用于Magento Open Source. Ecommerce owners are required to submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to activate GraphQL应用服务器.

    It improves API performance by maintaining the state among requests, which results in 30% faster responses and more efficient resource usage.

  • Adobe Commerce Webhooks

    These webhooks (v1.2.0) allow developers to set up urgent calls to external systems while some specific Adobe Commerce events occur. The webhooks are useful for tasks such as calculating order totals or taxes using third-party services and updating Adobe Commerce accordingly.

  • Inventory Management

    使用Adobe Commerce 2.4.7, products automatically return to in-stock status after credit memos, 这样可以节省更新库存的人工工作. The inventory indexer works faster for configurable products on the storefront. Also, REST API updates for inventory happen quickly without unwanted re-indexing. 信用备忘录可以由管理员用户处理.


    Adobe Commerce 2.4.7简化登录与不可见的reCAPTCHA v3. Now, the reCAPTCHA widget shows up before someone places an order, which makes it easier to use.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 .不仅改进了平台功能, but this version also came up with myriad crucial bug fixes to uplift overall user experience such as,
    • Improved banner
    • 缓存的改进
    • 购物车和结帐过程中的重要修复
    • 重命名变量以保持一致性.
    • Resolved unintended changes to product attributes while saving them.
    • Now users can access restricted pages without facing redirection issues.
    • 密码显示的改进, 客户地址字段, 公司用户管理, CMS页面管理.

    寻求你的帮助 Adobe Commerce开发人员 team.

  • Some other upgrades

    • 信用卡保险改进.
    • 如果发生502错误,阻止订单处理.
    • New GraphQL endpoints were added for all payment services except for Venmo.
    • Order items include product images that will help to show the images on the sales order view page.
    • Headless order capabilities are added, which enable users to manage their orders easily.
    • 目录产品价格指标器的性能有所提高.
    • And many more additions and upgrades can be seen in Adobe Commerce 2.4.7.

    Read release notes 了解最新版本的每一个细节.

Wrapping up

Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 offers several useful and much-needed store enhancements for merchants including unparalleled flexibility, robust security, 以及惊人的平台功能. Whether launching a new online store or seeking to scale an existing business, the latest Adobe Commerce version will help merchants succeed in the modern digital landscape.

随着电子商务的不断发展, Adobe Commerce仍然处于最前沿, 帮助企业在不断变化的市场中茁壮成长. 因此,升级或迁移到Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 .快速发展电子商务业务.

准备用adobecommerce 2升级您的项目.4.7? As Adobe Bronze解决方案合作伙伴, Skynet Technologies提供Adobe Commerce开发服务, 包括UI / UX设计, customization, migration & 升级、维护和支持. 无论你是在寻找一个简单的网络解决方案, 复杂的企业级应用程序, 电子商务解决方案, 或者更多,我们可以满足您的所有要求. Our Adobe商务专家 ensure secure, cross-platform compatibility, and performance optimized websites. 欲了解更多信息,请pg电子官网 [email protected].